Sometimes I capture a photographic image that just seems to cry out for some words, but I don’t always know what words the image is seeking. Here’s an image I made at the reflecting pool in the courtyard of the North Carolina Museum of Art during a visit last April:
I loved the “Zen” feel of this photo, and have been thinking for several months now about how I could best use it with some text. One thought is to use some Photoshop trickery to paint or incise some words on the individual stones. With a little work with the Bevel and Emboss tools, it’s possible to make a pretty convincing fake. Here’s an example, just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about:
Maybe some of you might have ideas about a nice short quote or a set of words that would go well with this image. Please give me your comments!
By the way, if you’d like to make a quick virtual visit to the NCMoA, a set of my photos from my April visit is on my flickr stream here:
Hi Ray! Congrats on your new blog.

My first thought, before I even finished reading your post, was to consider doing exactly what you did — a little Photoshop magic to “inscribe” the stones. As soon as the thought came to mind, I was able to scroll down, and see it come to life! Perfect.
I look forward to reading your future posts.
Thanks for the feedback, Cindy! I enjoyed visiting your blog and etsy shop, too.
We enjoyed our visit to the art museum, too. Mother and I went in late June. Your photo is wonderful–and I like the idea of adding words to the stones.
Hi Ray,
It truly is magic! Love the combination of Photoshop and lettering and photography, but your lettering is what makes it so great! The dark ‘pool’ area in the upper left screams for one of your beautifully lettered quotations! Great job!